Masatsugu Okada Japanese, b. 1984

Originaly from Japan, Masatsugu now lives and works in Düsseldorf, Germany.

He studied at Kyoto-Seika University in Japan and grdauated with MFA in 2010.
Afterwards he studied painting at the Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf from 2015 to 2022. He attended the class of Prof. Sabrina Fritsch.


Despite all the technical know-how and the sensitive handling of material and color, chance, playfulness and also risk play a decisive role in Okada's oeuvre. Certainly, each work is begun with a certain idea; how it will finally look, however, he cannot and does not want to predict. In no way does he want to completely control the painting process, because there should always be room for the random and unpredictable.


This can certainly be attributed to the fact that Okada not only wants to create something new, but always wants to experience something new. In a way, the artist expects himself to be surprised by a new appearance that does not correlate with his original idea, but results from the painterly process.

(Text: Galerie Sechzig)